The Left’s Scorched-Earth War Against Sacred Sexuality

~ Alfred C. Kinsey and Wardell B. Pomeroy are the evil godfathers of the hypersexualization movement. ~

~ This is the text of a speech given by the author on May 25, 2022, at an event called “The Hypersexualization of School Children,” sponsored by the Gray Republican Committee in Gray, Maine.


On May 20, 2022, Bill Maher, the host of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, spoke out very boldly against the LGBT community’s stance on children. He stated:

. . . it’s okay to ask questions about something that’s very new and involves children. The answer can’t always be that anyone from a marginalized community is automatically right. . . . End of discussion. Because we’re literally experimenting on children. Maybe that’s why Sweden and Finland have stopped giving puberty blockers to kids because we just don’t know much about the long-term effects. . . .

If we can’t admit that in certain enclaves, there is some level of trendiness to the idea of being anything other than straight, then this is not a serious, science-based discussion. It’s a blow being struck in the culture wars using children as cannon fodder.1

I think we should applaud Bill Maher for his defense of children. His comments also highlight one of the central questions of the twenty-first century:

Who should manage children? Their parents or the state?

As many parents have finally realized, the Marxist Left’s track record in Soviet Russia, China, North Korea, and now America demonstrates their belief that children are owned by the state.

But this is not a new phenomenon. It stems from the much larger controversy that has raged for millennia:

Does God own the world, or do humans?

When militant anti-theists state that there is no God and thus no basis for morality, unfettered arrogance and hell can quickly follow. As I wrote in the essay “Marriage and Family and the God Who Created Everything,”

This has tremendous relevance to marriage and family because, without God, anything goes, and truth is whatever you want it to be, but with God, one must consider the thoughts, feelings, hopes, intent, and designs of God, the source of life, love, and all things.

. . . In any discussion of marriage and family, children need to be the priority because we all were children once. Is there anyone who has never been a child? No one, of course. Then this is very personal to each of you! Everything starts with children, and the birth of sacred love should begin in our childhood.2

The Left pushes the idea that children have the right to be emancipated from the oppression of their parents. But they never suggest that children have sacred, inalienable rights that come from God—rights that must never be violated by a monolithic dictatorship or parents who want to bend reality for their own pleasure or convenience.

QUESTION(S): I’m gonna go with the first few questions from the article:

  • Who should manage children? Their parents or the state?
  • Does God own the world, or do humans?