‘Immune to both shame and common sense’: Molly Jong-Fast slams GOP lawmakers

Despite a series of embarrassments over the ongoing investigations of Hunter Biden, Republicans are continuing their push to find politically damaging information about the president’s son.

Molly Jong-Fast writes for Vanity Fair that; “You’d think that House Republicans might have slowed their roll after the man they pushed as their star whistleblower against Hunter Biden, Gal Luft—an Israeli-American dual citizen who claimed to have compromising information on President Joe Biden and his son—was charged with serious crimes last November.”

But Jong-Fast writes that House Republicans are doing the exact opposite, “Instead charging full speed ahead in defense of their missing whistleblower during last week’s ultra-mortifying House Judiciary Oversight hearing.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Ca.) said the dynamics of today’s GOP politics has turned the traditional structure of governance on its head. “Typically, the Speaker of the House sets a party’s agenda in Congress. But there is no functional leader of the House,” Swalwell told Jong-Fast.

Jong-Fast writes, “Democrats need to do more to highlight how out of touch the current agenda is with what Americans actually care about. There should be less time spent on conspiracy theories and unpopular policies and more time spent on bringing back manufacturing and lowering the cost of gas and food.”



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Article URL : https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/immune-to-both-shame-and-common-sense-molly-jong-fast-slams-gop-lawmakers/ar-AA1e5Drf