Scottish government axes 16 million trees to clear way for ‘greener’ solutions

Stupidity is increasingly state-sanctioned…

Since 2000, the Scottish government has felled around 1,700 trees on a daily basis, all to make way for “green” initiatives. Leave it to the government and their leftist abettors to harp on the “destruction of the environment” then chop down literal trees to create barren wastelands—all to make room for obtrusive, industrial, inanimate behemoths that obliterate all sorts of animal populations, and create massive amounts of environmental pollution (in production, maintenance, and disposal).

According to an article by Frank Bergman and posted to Slay News yesterday, the Scottish government’s scheme of systematic deforestation was implemented to “meet the goals” of the climate agenda. Is that not one of the most ludicrous and asinine things you’ve ever heard? Or perhaps, the move is right in line with the climate agenda, because the goal isn’t environmentalism… but rather communistic destruction?

From Bergman:

A Scottish government official has admitted that almost 16 million trees have been cut down in Scotland to make way for ‘green energy’ farms.

The trees were growing on public land and were chopped down so the land could be used for wind turbines.

The admission was made by Scotland’s Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon, a member of the ruling left-wing Scottish National Party (SNP).

She estimated that 15.7 million trees had been cut down since 2000 on land currently managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS).

Stanley concludes his outburst by calling Michael a “professional idiot,” and that right there, once again, is why the scene sticks out when I read about certain government initiatives and actions, and its enforcers. These people are truly professional idiots, sanctioned by the State, and there’s no end in sight.

They squeal about “carbon pollution” then level green (literally and figuratively) CO2 consumers, and replace once-thriving forests with technological, ecological, and fiscal abominations. Every day, they “do something stupider” than the day before. Low-brow Greenies are the quintessential “useful idiots” and it certainly shows

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