Log off Zoom and get back to the office

It really wasn’t that long ago that working from home was an unusual concept for most employees, and daily office meetings were always in person.

Pre-2020, the word “zoom” to many people simply referred to a camera feature used to get a close-up shot. For retro-loving Gen-Xers and millennials, “ZOOM” might have meant the popular 1970s children’s PBS series that was revived in a reboot two decades later.

But when COVID-19 upended our worlds, “Zoom” took on a whole new meaning. Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms allowed us to connect with colleagues and do our jobs from the couch or kitchen table. Now, some employees are so accustomed to this setup, they’re still balking when their bosses ask them to work in the office a couple of days a week.

Approved ~ FS


Article URL : https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/8/13/23825841/zoom-office-meetings-working-from-home-in-person-remote-pandemic-editorial