California Barnes & Noble ‘sniffer’ arrested again, failed to register as sex offender

Calese Crowder was freed Tuesday after pleading no contest to prowling and peeping a home with children inside

Detectives in Glendale, California, knew something did not smell right.

A 37-year-old Los Angeles man with a history of predatory sex acts and other crimes has been arrested again – a day after he walked out of jail free after pleading no contest to peeping and prowling charges for staring into a home with children inside.

Calese Carron Crowder is also the perv identified on viral TikTok videos creeping around a Burbank Barnes & Noble store, crouching down behind women and appearing to “sniff” them from behind.

Crowder was sentenced to 60 days in jail on Monday, slapped with multiple no-contact orders and instructed to enter a rehab program for sex criminals. However, he was sprung free from custody Tuesday and was back out on the streets smelling the roses.

On Thursday, Glendale police booked him into jail once again – the 43rd time since 2005 in Los Angeles County alone.

Crowder previously served time in state prison on burglary and robbery charges and had been sentenced in February to a year in jail for indecent exposure in Santa Clarita, court records show. However, Crowder was released early from that sentence, law enforcement sources told Fox News Digital.


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