Revealing 2018 Hunter Biden text demolishes Joe Biden’s ‘Arm’s length’ defense

One of the common defenses of the Democrats to the Biden family scandal is to try to put Hunter Biden at arm’s length from his father and say there’s “no evidence” that he was involved or that money went to him. Of course, that’s a rather silly argument, given all the evidence of dinners, phone calls, witnesses, and emails showing Joe Biden’s “involvement.”

But one of the reasons they can’t do that and that defense fails is because of how Hunter and Joe’s money seems to have been commingled. But now Republicans are reacting to a text from 2018 in which Hunter said that his father had been “using lines” on his account for the “past 11 years.”

Hunter was talking with his assistant Katie Dodge about he got locked out of his Wells Fargo account.

“Too many cooks in the kitchen,” he wrote on April 12, 2018. “Too many profile changes and such. Happened 10 days ago too. What do you need? I’m going to bank in a few. Need to verify identity in person.”

“I need to pay AT&T,” Dodge responded.

Hunter Biden then instructed Dodge to put the payment on both his debit card and his “Wells Fargo credit line.”

“My dad has been using most lines on this account which I’ve through the gracious offerings of Eric [Schwerin] have paid for past 11 years,” Hunter wrote.

Whoops. So if Hunter was getting money from the Chinese and the Russians, and Joe was utilizing Hunter’s money, that’s not good, and that’s evidence that isn’t going to help him in an impeachment.



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