The RNC’s first primary debate will livestream exclusively on Rumble, a platform overrun with QAnon content, violent threats and bigotry

Rumble has profited from content that pushes Holocaust denial and claims the LGBTQ movement wants to “sterilize humanity”

The August 23 Republican presidential primary debate will be exclusively livestreamed on the right-wing video-sharing site Rumble, a platform overrun with extreme content that denies the Holocaust, promotes violent threats, and spreads bigotry. Rumble has repeatedly monetized and profited from ads running on QAnon conspiracy theorist and white nationalist content on its platform. Notably, when reporting on Rumble, mainstream media outlets have failed to note that extreme content dominates the platform.  

Rumble is overrun with extreme racist and antisemitic content

  • During a Rumble video on July 29, white nationalist Nick Fuentes fantasized that “me and Hitler would team up” to “kill” a Black man he alleged had littered in his neighborhood. 
  • On July 28, failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake appeared on the Rumble-hosted podcast of Michael Scheuer, a virulent antisemite, and stated that the Second Amendment is “there to stop the tyrants.” 
  • During a July 16 rally livestreamed on Rumble, Fuentes launched into overt antisemitism, spending over an hour ranting about the supposed “Jewish stranglehold” over the United States. 
  • Tucker Carlson’s July 11 interview with misogynist Andrew Tate, during which Tate suggested that “there’s got to be some intent” behind “these two actions of neutering the native populace and importing these high-testosterone Third Worlders,” proliferated on Rumble.

Anti-LGBTQ content that spreads false and harmful rhetoric has proliferated across the platform

During a June 19 Rumble livestream, former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle told conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec that drag queens “are the devil’s advocates.” She also claimed that drag queens are “trying to remove religion and wipe and eradicate it out of everyone’s heart, destroy Christ.” [Rumble, The Kimberly Guilfoyle Show6/19/23]