Tone-deaf: Democrats move to block Maui and Florida disaster relief over Ukraine funding

With the aftermath of two major disasters, one in Hawaii and one in Florida, being navigated by those on the ground, Democrats in Washington are looking to sabotage aid to those areas by tying it to more spending for Ukraine.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth let it be now that she would block a plan put forth by Sen. Rick Scott to provide aid for the Maui fires and Hurricane Idalia because it doesn’t include Joe Biden’s demand for another $23 billion for Ukraine.

Democratic Sen. Duckworth tells reporters she will object to Sen. Rick Scott’s plans to pass disaster aid on its own without rest of Biden admin supplemental request; “I would. I think it’s important to include Ukrainian funding”

No matter how one may feel about continuing to fund Ukraine’s war effort against Russia, this is completely asinine. There is no reason to have aid for a foreign country tied to a bill funding disaster relief for suffering Americans. Those two things are not remotely related, and it is simply an attempt to blackmail Republicans who might oppose sending more money to Ukraine into doing so.

Approved ~ FS


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