Donna Brazile reveals Dems very nervous Trump and his movement could win

In the wake of the first GOP debate, former president Donald Trump not only held onto his lead, but he seems to have increased it. We’re still far out, and anything can change, but Trump, in the face of being targeted by the left, only seems to be getting stronger. Not only is he still leading the primary field by 46 points, according to a Wall Street Journal poll this past week, but he’s also neck and neck with Joe Biden in the general. That may mean that at least some of the Independents may be thinking the same way as the Republicans and believing that Trump is being unfairly targeted.

That has people like political strategist and former DNC Chair Donna Brazile nervous. She explained that she’d only seen a couple of political movements previously in her life, such as the Reagan movement “They saw him as willing to stand up for American values, whatever that might have meant”, and Barack Obama, “Hope and change, that galvanized the American people.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this with Donald Trump,” Brazile said. “I mean, what doesn’t kill ya, makes ya stronger…Being indicted, that’s making him stronger. Raising $10 million using an ugly mug shot…This is a movement, and anyone who thinks you can apply the old political rules to trying to defeat this candidate, based on he’s scary, he’s ugly, whatever you might want to call him, this is a movement, and we have to respect that fact that it’s a movement.”

It’s why they are throwing everything they have against him with lawfare. If they can’t lock him up, they want to keep him off the ballot. If they can’t block him off the ballot, they want to take up all his time defending these things so he can’t campaign. If that doesn’t work, they want to make him use all his resources to fight the charges. If that doesn’t work, they want to smear him to the Independents so they won’t vote for him. And if that doesn’t work, what will they try next?



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