‘Skeletal thin’ Biden Vs. ‘City Roach’ Trump: Maher and Rogan face-off on 2024 presidential race

Maher and Rogan talked about the possibility of a 2024 presidential election featuring Trump and Biden, which could set a record for the oldest candidates ever to run.

Rogan referred to Biden as “skeletal thin,” something that Maher agreed with. Maher said that Trump looks “more hearty and robust” according to Deadline.

“He’s a city roach. The worse things he eats, the stronger he gets. You cannot kill him,” Maher said about Trump.

“No, we did,” Maher told Rogan, suggesting that it was the public who noticeably aged during Trump’s presidency. “But he’s a criminal, and he’s crazy and he’s stupid. And crazy and stupid are two different things.”

Maher went on to share examples of ways Trump was crazy and stupid.

“Stupid is ‘Frederik Douglass is alive’ or ‘The stealth bomber is literally invisible.’ Crazy is it’s important that the crowd at my inauguration was the biggest ever, and I’m going to make an issue of this for the first two weeks of my presidency despite photographic evidence of the contrary. Or I’m going to steal these documents, and I’m going put them next to the toilet at Mar-A-Lago, and I’m going to fight you to take them back. Or not conceding the election,” Maher said, according to Deadline

Maher cited a quote from Trump, stating that the former president didn’t want people to know he had lost the election.

“He’s a clinical case of malignant narcissism. It’s not just a quirk. It’s actually in the big book of crazy. It affects everything he thinks and does.”