Tuberville ‘Aiding and Abetting Communist Regimes’ US Military Chief Charges, Leading to Experts Slamming GOP Senator

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville‘s more than six-month hold on hundreds of promotions of U.S. Military officers has lead the Secretary of the Navy to accuse the Alabama Republican lawmaker of “aiding and abetting communist and other autocratic regimes around the world.” That charge follows a Washington Post op-ed by the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force alleging Tuberville’s actions as “putting our national security at risk.” The Secretaries’ rare public remarks have led to other military experts, and political experts, speaking out against Tuberville, with one calling his actions “dereliction of duty.”

Retired Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, Wesley Clark, praised the service chiefs for speaking out, called Tiberville’s holds “extremely damaging.”

Political scientist Norman Ornstein, co-author of a book on political extremism, calledTuberville an “asset to Vladimir Putin, traitor to every American value.”