Illegal Alien Families Force Their Children to Crawl Underneath Texas Razor Wire as They Illegally Cross US Border

Illegal immigrant families were seen crossing the border in Eagle Pass, Texas on Saturday. The children crawled under razor wire as they illegally crossed the US border during a thunderstorm. Joe Biden’s border policies are putting children in physical danger now because his administration refuses to enforce federal law.

A video posted to social media shows a huge chain of illegal aliens holding hands while crossing through the river. They know the Biden Administration won’t enforce any laws and will release them into the U.S. A good portion of these illegals will leave the border towns and go to other major cities

The border crisis has reached epidemic proportions. Texas, Arizona and of course, San Diego, California. Earlier this week Gateway had reported on unmarked buses that literally contained hundreds of illegals in San Diego. They were released and basically told them they were free to go. We are a nation without borders with a Federal Government who has zero respect for U.S. Citizenship. That was a virtue that once mattered but doesn’t anymore.


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