Worst-dressed Sen. John Fetterman strikes blow for slobs everywhere

Chalk up another victory for the Senate’s #1 blue-collar cosplayer, Pennsylvania’s John Fetterman.

Looks like the shambling lawmaker — after months of taking flak for his high-school-stoner, hoodie-and-gym-shorts outfits — has gotten Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to ax the Senate’s dress code, which demanded men wear jacket and tie on the floor and women wear business attire as well.

(We wonder what fashion outlier Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will do with her newfound freedom.) 

Fetterman famously got around this rule previously by voting from the doorway.  

The man’s an elected representative of the great state of Pennsylvania, serving in an august legislative chamber; would it have been too much to ask that he put on a tie?

Apparently, yes — at least after his hospitalization for depression this year.

We don’t know how Fetterman won the fight, be it via hissy fit or simple obstinacy, but as of this week, the dress code is reportedly donezo. 

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