We’re Winning the Fight Against Child Mutilation

Our European friends have started to realize that transitioning children is harmful and have begun dialing back medical interventions on children with gender confusion. Here in the United States, however, the Biden administration has gone all in endorsing the barbaric practice, and it’s on Republican-led states to protect children from being given dangerous puberty blockers or hormone therapy, permanently sterilizing them before they are old enough to understand the consequences of their actions.

In recent years, we’ve seen more and more detransitioners speaking out about how they were duped into thinking that taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and cutting off healthy breasts and genitals would make their lives better — only to realize too late that the doctors they trusted had actually condemned them to a life of misery and a mutilated body. Now, Republican-led states are empowering the victims of the transgender cult to sue the medical providers who hastily enabled their transition.

At least 22 states have banned gender transitioning for minors, though some allow those who had already started puberty blockers or hormone “therapy” to continue. However, according to an article in the Daily Mail, gender clinics in those states are now reluctant to do so because they fear being held liable later on

A recent comprehensive study found that there is no medical benefit for young people to receive what is erroneously called “gender-affirming care,” and as many as 90% of young people with gender confusion who are not encouraged to transition (socially or medically) will no longer identify as transgender upon reaching adulthood.

The two widely cited studies that claim tremendous benefits to transitioning children are deeply flawed and systematically excluded the experiences of participants who dropped out of the studies over time, creating a bias in favor of participants who reported positive experiences. A Swedish study on “gender-affirming care” also found that cosmetic “transition” does not reduce the likelihood of suicide.


Article URL : https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2023/09/25/were-winning-the-fight-against-child-mutilation-n1729723