Biden Thinks He’s Going to Tag the GOP for Gov’t Shutdown, but CNN Has a Big Surprise for Him

Biden claims he cares about not having a government shutdown and that it would be bad.

Yet he isn’t doing anything at all to stop it…

They don’t have any meetings with Congress, and KJP doesn’t even know when Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) last spoke. “It’s not on us to fix,” KJP says.

But if Biden thought he could just sit back, grouse about Republicans, and pretend things aren’t the fault of the Democrats, CNN’s data guru Harry Enten has a big surprise for him. As Enten explained, the plurality of voters would blame Joe Biden and the Democrats for any government shutdown.

Enten went on to explain this is very different from prior shutdowns. Joe Biden, who seems frequently stuck in the past to his detriment, may be stuck in the past on this issue as well, thinking this is not going to adversely affect the Democrats and not understanding what Enten is saying.

He and the Democrats haven’t done one thing to curb spending or to compromise with the Republicans. Biden just thinks it’s his way or the highway.

If Biden is playing games here, it sounds like it’s going to come back and hit him in the fanny, and it would be well-deserved.

R&I – TP


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