More Confirmation That Joe Biden Is the ‘Big Guy’ Emerges, and It’s From an Impeccable Source

According to a new report, Frank Biden, the president’s brother, referred to him as the “Big Guy” multiple times while working for an industrial manufacturing company called Federal Signal Corporation.

Frank Biden, President Joe Biden’s youngest brother, was “hired by the Illinois-based industrial manufacturing firm Federal Signal Corp. to help connect the company with Florida lawmakers,” the Journal reported. “During a weekly call, Frank Biden, 69 years old, would frequently interrupt the meeting and say he had to take a call from ‘the Big Guy,’ as he put it.”

Frank Biden would say, “I’ve got to put you on hold, the Big Guy is calling me,” Matthew Brady, a Federal Signal employee, recalled of prior conversations, the Journal reported. “I thought, ‘OK, great, your brother is the vice president.’”

It’s hard to think of a more impeccable source as to whether Joe Biden was the “Big Guy” than his own brother. Democrats have long claimed that Hunter Biden’s infamous mention was just the result of a drug addict speaking out of turn while being showered with his father’s love. Frank Biden wasn’t a drug addict, though, at least as far as we know. Yet, it appears that it was commonplace for Joe Biden to be called the “Big Guy” not just by his son, but by others as well.

That adds further context to Hunter Biden’s email in which he stated that “10 percent” of the money made from a deal with CEFC Energy, a CCP-linked company, needed to be put aside for the “Big Guy.” It belabors belief, at this point, that someone other than Joe Biden was being referenced.

R&I – TP


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