Pontius Pilate performed by Donald Trump

Pontius Pilate is one of the few characters to have a speaking part in all 4 gospels. Roman procurator of occupied Judaea, whose existence has been backed up by physical archaeology, and the historical record (Josephus). But his place in the gospels is what really secures his fame (infamy?)  He’s the one who sentences Jesus to death, and gets a conversation with him.

Anyway… suppose in a somewhat alternate universe, Trump doesn’t take the 2016 primary, and remains an American ‘character.’

He’s been cast as Pontius Pilate for a big CBS production of the life of Jesus, set in an early 21st century America.  He’s particularly cast because… he’s a character. So lots of screen time, lots of Trumpery.

You’re in the writer’s room, and are coming up with lines for him to use, to riff off, to make the most of his ‘character.’

What should he say?

Sir Tainley

Article URL : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontius_Pilate