James Biden’s Role In The Biden Access-For-Hire Operation Shows It Was A Family Affair

James Biden’s participation shows just how much of a family affair the scandal is, with Joe Biden, the family’s ‘only asset,’ at the top.

As the Biden family’s corruption scandals tumble out into the open, corporate media badly want you to think the only story here is about Hunter Biden, a struggling drug addict who may have made some unwise decisions while grieving the loss of his brother. The more evidence — from whistleblower testimony to documentation — of President Joe Biden’s involvement arises, the more frantically they shout “no evidence!” and insist the elder Biden was only involved to the extent that he loves his son and talks with his wealthy foreign friends about the weather.

But setting aside the evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in the access-for-sale scheme — of which there is an abundance — there’s another central figure in the operation. The participation of James Biden, Hunter’s uncle and Joe’s brother, shows just how much of a family affair the scandal is, with Joe Biden, the family’s “only asset,” at the top.



Article URL : https://thefederalist.com/2023/10/04/james-bidens-role-in-the-biden-access-for-hire-operation-shows-it-was-a-family-affair/