Lauren Boebert’s divorce finalized, after shouting match behind closed doors

ith her infant grandson clutched tightly in her arms, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert ended her 17-year marriage to Jayson Boebert on Tuesday morning before a magistrate in Grand Junction.

The public portion of the dissolution of marriage hearing was over in minutes, but that came after nearly 40 minutes of negotiations behind closed doors when shouting between the Boeberts, and a baby crying, could be heard through the locked door of the courtroom.

The public part of the uncontested divorce hearing was calm by comparison. Rep. Boebert’s attorney, Annie Le Fleur, said the Boeberts had agreed that the marriage was “irretrievably broken.”  Le Fleur also told Mesa County Magistrate Katherine Barnes that her client agreed to forgo child support. Rep. Boebert could have received $1,833.43 a month under the formula the court uses in divorces.

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