Israeli Billboards Featuring Biden’s Face Pop Up Thanking Americans

President Biden has had multiple phone calls with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the last few days and voiced that America ‘has Israel’s back’

Billboards donning President Joe Biden are popping up throughout Israel thanking Americans after Biden pledged “unwavering” support for the U.S. ally following the Hamas attack on the Gaza Strip over the weekend.

Many people in Israel and officials like Netanyahu and leaders in the Israeli Defense Force has shown appreciation for the president’s support.

“His speech was remarkable, very emotional. It came at the right time, when the morale in Israel was very low and we’re still digesting the number of casualties,” Danny Danon, Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations and chairman of the international branch Netanyahu’s party, Likud told The New York Times. “The people of Israel felt that it came from his heart, and we appreciate that.”