Probe of Burisma was active when Joe Biden forced prosecutor’s firing, Hunter’s documents show

In his testimony before the House Oversight Committee this summer, Devon Archer—the longtime business associate of Hunter Biden and fellow Burisma board member—told congressional investigators that Burisma Holdings was pressuring the younger Biden to deal with the Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin.

During a Burisma board meeting in December 2015 in Dubai, Pozharskyi and Zlochevsky asked Hunter Biden to “call D.C.,” according to Archer’s testimony about the event. “The request was I think they were getting pressure and they requested Hunter, you know, help them with some of that pressure,” Archer said.

“What pressure?” Investigators asked. “Government. Government pressure on their—you know, government pressure from Ukrainian Government investigations into Mykola, et cetera” he replied.

“What did Hunter Biden do after he was given that request?” the committee asked Archer. “Listen, I did not hear this phone call, but he—he called his dad,” Archer responded by telling investigators that Pozharksyi told him so afterwards.

You can read Devon Archer’s testimony below:

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