FAKE NEWS: Washington Post Stands by Totally Debunked Atrocity

What’s a fake news outlet like the Washington Post supposed to do when they get busted for sticking with a horrific headline about a deadly airstrike that never happened, almost a full day after it was debunked?

A decent paper would retract the story and apologize. I’ve done just that a number of times over the two decades I’ve been writing as VodkaPundit. It’s embarrassing, it sucks — but it has to be done. But the Washington Post, as I’m sure readers here already know, is not a decent paper. In fact, readers everywhere must know it because the money-losing progressive propaganda outlet just announced layoffs of another 240 employees.

But to today’s point, at 9 p.m. Eastern last night, the Washington Post ran with this:

Washington Post Blows the Gaza Hospital Story

Here’s the link to the actual report.

What we’ve known since at least early yesterday is that a Hamas rocket misfired in a parking lot, killing a few unfortunate civilians. But there was no Israeli missile strike, no blown-up hospital, and no 500 dead.

Approved ~ FS


Article URL : https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2023/10/19/fake-news-washington-post-stands-by-totally-debunked-atrocity-n1736077