Trump can’t seem to stop a lawsuit that could kick his candidacy to the curb in Colorado

  • A citizen watchdog group filed a lawsuit to disqualify Donald Trump from running in Colorado.
  • The suit has yet to be dismissed, despite Trump’s legal challenges.
  • If Trump’s last motion to dismiss fails, the suit could go to trial at the end of October.

A lawsuit to prevent Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado could go to trial at the end of October after a judge rejected three legal challenges from the GOP candidate.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, a nonpartisan ethics watchdog organization, filed the petition in early September, arguing that the 14th Amendment would bar Trump from running for president due to his role in the January 6 insurrection.

The 14th Amendment has a section specifying that anyone who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or has “given aid or comfort” to those carrying out an insurrection cannot run for office.

CNN reported that Colorado 2nd Judicial District Judge Sarah Wallace wrote in a late Friday ruling that the legal questions in this suit would be “best reserved for trial,” responding to Trump’s lawyers’ arguments that the legal petition erred in its procedures.

Trump previously tried to get the lawsuit dismissed on the grounds that the case violated free-speech laws, CNN reported. A Trump spokesperson told Insider that the ruling was “un-American” and that the “decision will be reversed.”

“This Denver judge got it wrong. She is the only judge in the country who has allowed these baseless claims to go forward past the motion-to-dismiss stage. She is going against the clear weight of legal authority,” the Trump spokesperson said.


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