We have a new worst tweet of all time, ladies and gents. This journalist wants to differentiate between beheaded babies and babies “found headless.”

I know they’re not called “tweets” anymore, but this one still takes the cake:

Eric Levitz is a writer for New York Magazine’s Intelligencer. He’s talking the beheaded babies (sorry, babies found headless) in Israel after Hamas terrorists rolled through gated suburbs.

Watching the media bend over backward to avoid walking back their “journalism” is beyond the pale.

Eric is trying to paint shades of nuance between “the terrorists killed babies but they just so happened to lose their heads during various methods of murder” and “the terrorists purposely beheaded the babies.”

“Maybe they burned the kids alive and the charred skulls just rolled off their bodies! We really need to consider the etymology of the verbs we use!”


Approved ~ MJM