Did Biden-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Give Jim Biden’s Americore Scandal The Hunter Biden Treatment?

On Friday, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability released a copy of a $200,000 check Jim Biden wrote to Joe Biden on March 1, 2018 — the same day Americore wired $200,000 to Jim and his wife Sara’s personal bank account. As I detailed Monday at The Federalist, evidence indicates Jim Biden pushed the former CEO of Americore, Grant White, to lend him those funds, along with another $400,000, promising to repay the loans after he delivered tens of millions of dollars in foreign investments to Americore.

Not only did Jim never deliver, but Americore would later file for bankruptcy, with Jim Biden stiffing the health care provider until the bankruptcy trustee filed a complaint seeking to recover the loan balance. Jim Biden then agreed to settle his $600,000 debt to Americore for $350,000, meaning Joe Biden ended up with $200,000 cash that should have belonged to Americore’s creditors.

But just as Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s foreign influence-peddling is only half the scandal, the same applies here to the $200,000 transfer. Equally scandalous in both cases is the DOJ and FBI’s handling of investigations that might reach the White House.

In the case of Hunter Biden, thanks to whistleblowers and a failed sweetheart plea agreement, we know the DOJ and FBI interfered in the normal investigative process to protect the president’s son. What we don’t know is whether Jim Biden received similarly favored treatment — and, if so, the extent of it.

Approved – Obey


Article URL : https://thefederalist.com/2023/10/24/did-biden-appointed-u-s-attorneys-give-jim-bidens-americore-scandal-the-hunter-biden-treatment/