Faced with rise in Jewish hate, Kamala Harris tackles made-up ‘Islamphobia’

If you aren’t Jewish, then imagine for a moment that you are. And the fact that your people had just suffered the worst mass murder since the Holocaust.

All committed by people shouting the most Nazi-like slogans.

Imagine all that had only just happened.

And then imagine what it must have been like to have gone through these past few weeks.

To have seen crowds in American cities not even draw breath before turning out on the streets to celebrate the killings.

Imagine, what´s more, that instead of a great wave of sympathy and support, in city after city and campus after campus, it seemed like the country was turning on the Jews.

Instead of even giving them time to breathe and bury the dead, sick people everywhere suddenly crept out and openly celebrated the killing.

But here’s the thing.

Muslims aren’t the victims here.

The Jews of Israel were.

And the Jews of the US now are, as part of that blowback.

So return to where I started.

Imagine you are a Jew.

And then imagine how it must feel to see your persecutors and tormentors — from Gaza to Brooklyn — being turned into the victims.

Sick, sick, sick.