Truth & Liberty Coalition expands culture war to 30 Colorado school boards

Health and wealth preacher Andrew Wommack teaches that Christians should ‘reform nations’ and rule over the godless. His Truth & Liberty Coalition has started by pushing its candidates in some 30 school districts across Colorado.

“We have enough people here in this school we could elect anybody we want,” he said at a meeting of the Citizen’s Academy, an event held at Charis by the Truth & Liberty Coalition, a nonprofit organization also founded by Wommack. “This county ought to be totally dominated by believers.”

 When voters in 30 school districts go to the polls Tuesday (Nov. 7), they will find ballots primed with candidates recruited and trained by Transform Colorado, a movement, launched by Truth & Liberty, “that unites Christian leaders to restore biblical values in the public square,” according to its website.

In Woodland Park, Carol Greenstreet, a former school board president, said the district already reflected the town’s largely conservative and Christian values long before Wommack began his campaign.

Wommack and his followers have “created a war that didn’t have a reason to be fought,” said Greenstreet, whose husband, Kirk, is senior pastor of the evangelical Woodland Park Community Church.

Around 40% of the district’s workforce did not return for the 2023-2024 school year, and many families in the district have become “refugees” who transferred their children to different schools miles away.

The district now budgets more than $200,000 a year for legal fees, more than 10 times its legal budget five years ago.

The test for Wommack in Tuesday’s election will be whether his machinations have alienated voters who broadly share his principles. Sharon Roshek, a longtime local Realtor who calls herself an “extremely conservative evangelical Republican,” voted for Wommack’s school board candidates in 2021 and “never thought much of it.”

But after hearing horror stories from district teachers and staff who are members of her evangelical church, she came to regret her vote and is voting for opponents to Wommack’s agenda this time around.

“It is sad, sad, sad that people in this community now hate Christians” because Wommack and his followers have tried to move the city “so far to the right,” Roshek said.