Trump and His Lawyers Dare NY Judge to Throw Him in Jail

Donald Trump and his lawyers are intentionally trying to provoke the judge into a nuclear-level overreaction. Inviting that kind of response could even lead to the judge ordering Trump to be remanded to a jail cell for the night.

The ex-president’s legal advisers had long ago told Trump that his chances of winning at trial are close to zero. According to sources, several Trump attorneys and other key allies have advised him that the more the New York judge supposedly “overreacts” — including perhaps remanding Trump — the better their case for an appeal will be.

“I call it the Chicago 7 disruption strategy,” Alan Dershowitz, the celebrity lawyer who defended then-President Trump during his first impeachment, tells Rolling Stone.

“When a defendant honestly believes he can’t possibly get a fair trial from the judge, one of the tactics is to antagonize the judge to a point of causing reversible errors,” Dershowitz says. “That’s what happened in the Chicago 7 case, and I was one of the lawyers on the appeal in that case. Abbie Hoffman provoked Judge Hoffman to such a degree that the judge made mistake after mistake.

This is one reason why Trump and his counselors have kept up with their brazen strategy of infuriating a judge who has openly threatened the former president with possible jail time.

R&I – TP


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