This man may have shown us how to turn pro-Hamas protesters on a dime

If you’re looking for the self-absorbed insanity of the West condensed into one picture, I think this one coming from the streets of London might just be it:

If there’s ever been a time the clichéd phrase, “Who wants to tell them” has meaning, it’s right there. For years, conservatives have scoffed at the absurdity of wealthy, white liberals putting around town in their Prius with a “Coexist” bumper sticker affixed to the back window. It’s not much of a courageous statement to passively lecture people who are already content coexisting about how they should “coexist.”

The answer to deprogramming pro-Hamas Westerners may be to do nothing more than expose them to what Hamas says about itself rather than how an overpaid intellectual describes them in the abstract. What can we expect when that happens? Maybe more of this:

If you’re looking to speak truth to power, drive that Prius around the streets of Riyadh or Kabul. Radicalized Arab Muslims like those governing Gaza are the least tolerant and open-minded people on the planet. For all the jokes that sophisticated liberals love to make about the parallels between Hamas and American politicians they deem “Christian nationalists,” there is no reasonable comparison to be made. None.


Approved ~ MJM