‘Uncancelable’ Kid Rock tells Hannity he had ‘great conversation’ after encountering Busch CEO at UFC

Singer-songwriter Kid Rock spoke out Wednesday on cancel culture and his earlier tiff with Anheuser-Busch after the company’s widely criticized marketing promotion featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Shortly after the Mulvaney incident sparked a nationwide boycott of Bud Light and other AB brands, Rock famously recorded himself obliterating the company’s beer with a semi-automatic rifle.

On “Hannity,” Rock said he remains unafraid of and untethered by corporate interests, remarking that dynamic allows him to speak freely for himself and support causes without fear of retribution.


“It’s actually funny. Speaking of that UFC fight, I’m standing there with our favorite president, and someone comes over, like, ‘The CEO of Anheuser-Busch is standing right behind you.’”

Rock claimed Trump asked if he wanted to talk to Whitworth and told “Hannity” that they all had a “great conversation” despite any differences.

“Because if you put this in context, why did this start? I told him that night, ‘You signaled to a lot of people like myself, like-minded people, put the trans thing aside for a minute, right? But by sending that can to [Mulvaney], you kind of signaled to us you support this lifestyle and more importantly, like, men being in women’s sports or in my granddaughter’s locker room,'” he recounted.

“Most of us draw a hard line right there. Nah.”

Rock said he took from the encounter with the beverage executive that anyone including Anheuser-Busch should be able to support any cause or make any marketing strategy they want, as long as it doesn’t border on affecting or including children.

He cited America’s veterans, saying many people “fought and died” for the right of every American to live whatever lifestyle they choose — and that his public opposition was not toward Mulvaney but toward Anheuser-Busch.

“We can coexist in public places. You might not be my first dinner invite, you know what I mean? And I’m probably not yours,” he quipped.

Rock said whatever anyone’s persuasion is, “I’m cool with you, that’s how most people are.”

R&I – TP


Article URL : https://www.foxnews.com/media/uncancelable-kid-rock-hannity-great-conversation-encountering-busch-ceo-ufc?intcmp=fb_fnc&fbclid=IwAR1XMCOB6nyMDuWJTpvn9C5ZMMJW5zzgmfR3keOs2sH_5JTPGPkALrMLpQ0