‘Enough is Enough’: Judge Joe Brown Explains Why He’s Leaving the Democratic Party

“I’m an independent now. I can’t stand the Democratic Party. Really,” he said.

“What happened? What caused you to change?” he was asked.

“They decided to be anti-family and anti-man, and I don’t buy into that,” Brown added.

“Has it always been like that?” he was asked.

“No, it wasn’t,” Brown commented. “Something happened. They kind of got stuck over there in that far left corner someplace and they forgot about the working people in this country.”

“When do you think that happened, judge? Because you ran as a Democrat. Now you’re…”

“It bothers me. Somewhere in the last 55 years, what’s happened is the country has switched over into glorifying what I call dysfunction,” he went on. “And at some point it’s just enough is enough. You’ve got a thing right now where they’re trying to groom children in school. They’re trying to install a secular religion as the official religion of the country. People don’t have any cause, any purpose anymore, so they want to give them one.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin “feels we need to be doing better at this and moving faster,” but a successful audit is still years away, he added.

Federal law since the early 1990s requires mandatory audits for all government agencies. The Pentagon didn’t begin auditing itself until 2018 and has only had incremental improvement yearly.

This time around, 1,600 auditors combed through DOD’s $3.8 trillion in assets and $4 trillion in liabilities, conducting some 700 site visits. They found that half of DOD’s assets can’t be accounted for.



Article URL : https://en-volve.com/2023/11/16/enough-is-enough-judge-joe-brown-explains-why-hes-leaving-the-democratic-party/