New Jan 6 footage shows Matthew Perna, who committed suicide after DOJ’s enhanced prosecution, calmly walking through Capitol alongside police

Newly released footage from January 6, 2021, released by House Speaker Mike Johnson, shows Matthew Perna, who tragically took his own life, calmly strolling through the building alongside other protestors and even many police officers. Perna killed himself after prosecutors in his case added a terrorism enhancement in advance of his sentencing.

At the time of Perna’s death, his mourning family reportedly said that he “couldn’t take another day” after learning of the sentencing enhancement. His aunt, speaking to Dinesh D’Souza in his documentary Police State, revealed that Perna had a positive outlook when it came to serving time for trespassing on January 6, but that the terrorism enhancement was more than he could bear. After his death, she said she spoke to his prosecutor who claimed the enhancement would have been dropped in due time. But it was too late for Perna.

Perna can be seen on surveillance footage walking calmly through the Capitol hallways with others who were there on that day, including police officers.

R&I – TP


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