Find the three-legged man and save the republic

One piece of the footage shows a team of five early in the morning of J6 erecting a gallows in view of the National Mall at the foot of the Capitol building.  This gallows was highlighted in J6 committee proceedings and by the media as a symbol of the “insurrection.”  The FBI has managed to identify and arrest over a thousand J6 participants for what was essentially unintentional trespassing, but for some reason has so far failed to identify any of these five.

The leader of the team was wearing a trench coat and fedora hat and carrying what looks like a rather unique walking stick. During gallows assembly the team leader walked to and entered the café directly across from FBI headquarters, then returned to the site of the gallows to admire the handiwork.

Why hasn’t the FBI identified these insurrectionists, and why was the blatantly offensive gallows, constructed early in the morning before the crowds came, allowed to remain up all day?  Why didn’t the Capitol Police come running out to stop them during construction, especially in such a conspicuous and provocative location?

If the gallows was indeed a government-sponsored abetment of J6 and is exposed as such, even the MSM would have trouble keeping this huge dent in the narrative under wraps, because this is just not defensible in the same way as the supposed need for undercover FBI informants and agents in the J6 crowd.  It could even be the impetus for bringing the whole J6 insurrection narrative down.

Approved – Sully


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