Jewish Hatred Ironically Found in ‘Safe Spaces’

Image Courtesy of NBC News…

How the horrifying atrocities in Israel against Jewish women and children on October 7th could result in an explosion of hatred towards Jews in America makes no sense.  It defies all logic, and the initial epicenter of that hate was on “safe space” college campuses.

But, then, maybe it’s understandable if you consider the role of “socialist-loving ‘intellectuals’” or, anti-American academics.  When assessing the hate that I encountered returning from combat in Vietnam in 1969, that group came out on top as the leading offender.

Today, socialist-loving “intellectuals” are the root cause of the hatred against the Jewish people.  They’ve been sowing the seeds of animosity for decades; the targets just change.  So, when broadly-based loathing of any societal element arises, you can look to the college campuses as the likely perpetrators.  Since October 7th, it has been illuminated as antisemitism.

College students nationwide didn’t come up with it on their own.  “The rot at academia’s heart” is to blame.  Academe’s “Hitler youth” of today noted therein are merely regurgitating what was shoved down their throats by socialist-loving “intellectuals.”  As also noted in that recent appraisal: “Hurting someone’s feelings can get you kicked out.  Calling for the slaughtering of an entire race … meh!”


Since the buck stops at the top, university presidents should obviously be held accountable as highlighted in the blog above, but the three that recently testified before Congress (Liz Magill, Claudine Gay, Sally Kornbluth) were likely DEI hires.  Qualifications matter little, if at all, when diversity, equity, and inclusion are factored in.  Plus, as specified in my previous piece, IED and DIE are more accurate descriptors than DEI.

Accountability may still win out though.  One of the three has resigned—almost certainly with the only other option being termination by the university’s board—and the other two may be on their way out.

Having spent over a half a century inside the once hallowed halls, it’s pretty clear that most of today’s “higher education” truly isn’t.  While the degradation likely began prior to the Vietnam War where I was a draftee in the infantry, that period supercharged the college spiral downward.  And my front row seat to campus hostility began a mere three weeks after returning to America from Southeast Asia.

As a result, the “Hitler youth” phenomenon is not new to me, although the slugs I encountered were more unkempt than their Nazi predecessors or the 2023 iteration.  In 1969/70, the ridicule targeted anyone who served honorably in the United States armed forces.


Approved ~ MJM