QUAY: Gay Sex In The Senate, Trans Boobs At The White House — Welcome To Biden’s America

A Democratic staffer filmed a gay porno in a Senate hearing room, the Daily Caller exclusively reported Friday. The article includes (censored) video if you feel like subjecting yourself to it.

Apparently the video was posted in a private groupchat for gay men, and this particular staffer couldn’t help showing off to his buddies by desecrating the hallowed halls of our republic.

Welcome to Biden’s America.

When you vote for Democrats, this is what you’re voting for — the party of Caligula, Nero and Elagabalus. The bizarre White House tap dance routine we suffered through this week would have been at home in any of their courts.

When they’re in power, Democrats platform people who believe it is a heroic act to spread perversion everywhere they can. They show off their bondage gear at “kid-friendly” Pride parades and put butt sex manuals in school libraries. They stage blasphemous (and often overtly sexual) displays in MLB stadiums, state capitols and even Catholic churches. They turn Muppets into cross-dressers. Everything must be sexualized.

Do you like decency? Do you like normality? Are you put off by all the weirdness and degeneracy the current administration is constantly shoving in your face? Well too bad. That’s a repressive attitude, they say.


Article URL : https://dailycaller.com/2023/12/15/quay-gay-porn-staffer-rose-montoya-biden-white-house/?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=offthepress&utm_campaign=home