Celebrities with different opinions than you should stay out of politics

A prominent person who has just publicly expressed an opinion that does not correspond to your views at all should please stay out of politics. Instead, she should concentrate on her traditional profession.

“Whoa! If you have no idea, then why not just shut up?”, you are annoyed by the completely unqualified statement from the celebrity, who up until this point has held back on his political opinions. “You realize again that having special skills in a certain area doesn’t mean that you understand politics.”

In any case, you never really liked the person you knew and were never a fan. “I always had the feeling that there were a few screws loose,” you claim.

The celebrity’s weak statement is in complete contrast to the statements of those celebrities who share the same opinion as you. “These celebrities are very smart and speak the truth. It’s a relief to listen to them and they should speak out much more often.