Herzog reveals Hamas documents outlining directives for ‘terror summer camps’ in Gaza

President Isaac Herzog revealed on Sunday evening what he said was a Hamas document discovered by Israeli troops in Gaza dealing with summer camp programs hosted by the terror group.

He presented the documents during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and told the news show that the recently discovered documents were “a directive by the commanders of Hamas as to how to manage summer camps for children in order to disseminate the values of jihad. It says it clearly — to disseminate the values of jihad, and the values of the resistance, meaning terror, and how to make it a militarized society.”

Summer camps run by terror organizations in the Gaza Strip have been a well-documented phenomenon over the years, with both Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad operating their own versions, featuring kids training in use of weapons and practicing activities such as fighting, kidnapping and killing Israelis.


Article URL : https://www.timesofisrael.com/herzog-reveals-hamas-documents-outlining-directives-for-terror-summer-camps-in-gaza/