Never Forget the Torture of the Jan. 6 Patriots

On Jan. 6, 2021, federal agents entrapped peaceful patriots angry at a stolen election into entering the normally public Capitol grounds. Since then, the federal government has arrested, vilified, abused, imprisoned, and outright tortured over 1,200 Americans, many for no more than being at the Capitol—and some for something as paltry as a text. The current administration are worse tyrants than the King George against whom our Founders rebelled.

First of all, taking up arms against the government can be not only justifiable but necessary, as the American Revolutionaries proved. That said, the Jan. 6 patriots did not “take up arms,” or attempt to overthrow the government. The real “insurrection” was carried out by the Democrats who stole the 2020 election, changing this country from a democratic republic to an oligarchy, while Republicans looked the other way. Antifa and BLM burned down cities, and were praised or excused by politicians and media. Violent criminals are released daily onto our streets by Democrat DAs, and criminals and terrorists flood our open southern border, facilitated by the Biden administration. Yet the Jan. 6 prisoners have been targeted so viciously, and sentenced to so many years’ jail for non-violent offenses, it’s hard to believe this happened in America. In fact, three Jan. 6 protestors were just arrested by the FBI today, three years after the events occurred!

Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland were murdered in cold blood on Jan. 6. The only individuals murdered, in fact, were protestors—because it wasn’t a violent insurrection! The crowd was laced with an unknown number of FBI agents, and the FBI has spent years entrapping Americans into crimes they never intended to commit. Boyland and Babbitt are dead, and more than a thousand more have had their lives destroyed in connection with Jan. 6.

R&I – TP