Shouldn’t We All (Eventually) Get Into Heaven?

Punishment and reward are what make up a huge part of our lives.  Also, in the afterlife, according to some.  Punishment is meant to fit the crime, with capital punishment being the ultimate price.

Hell is the afterlife place of punishment…for all eternity.  Eternity is a damn long time.  Are there any crimes that warrant eternal punishment?  Not worshipping the proper god or denying his existence?  Rather harsh.

People such as Hitler, Stalin, Gengis Khan, are certainly evil and deserve punishment, but considering all those they have killed probably go to heaven, eternity is a bit over…even for them.

If those in hell have truly seen the light and learned their lesson, shouldn’t they get to go to heaven?   Or, is God being phallus head and out of line with the forever torment?

Rehabilitation or nasty revenge?


J.P. Bunny

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