Order Made Heaven

You went to bed last night feeling fine.  This morning you wake up dead.  Good news,…

Hand Of God Or Punishment?

Myth Buster posted this image, and Bunny thought it perfect. What if God is pissed off…

Putting Things Into Proper Perspective

A lighter OP from a religion that is just as real as the ones that have…

How Long Until Elvis Reaches Official Religion Status?

Less than 200 years for Joseph Smith and his created religion to be an accepted religion,…

The Free Will Cop-Out

You own the local Kiddy Land.  The plastic shark you ordered for the ball pit turned…

Why Aren’t These Fellows In The Bible?

Neanderthals.  They definitely existed.  Skilled with tools, social humans, could have had a language, cared for…

Social Customs Linked To Religion

In Japan, newly arrived foreigners may sometimes pass food to one another using chopsticks, or stick…

Religious Festivals

Sometime in August. Japan celebrates お盆 O-bon.  The time when the ancestors come back and spend…

What About Shinto Or Buddhism?

A poster praised another for bringing up something other than Christianity.  This got Bunny thinking about…

God`s Warped Values.

Sodom.  God destroyed the city for its radical non hospitality and treatment of others.  God decided…

Selective Credibility

Mr. R. V. Frisbee claims he saw Elvis in a UFO.  He can tell us the…

Pitching For Your One True God.

With the FSM, all go to Stripper Heaven, no looking over your shoulder, no strict rules,…