Biden sets Democratic Fundraising Record and none of it will go to Legal Bills

President Biden set a record with the most cash on hand of any Democratic candidate in history, and none of it will go to cover legal fees.

The Biden campaign announced:

Today, Team Biden-Harris announced that it raised more than $97 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, ending the year with a powerful display of enthusiasm, strength, and historic resources heading into the election year. The team is also reporting a historic $117 million in cash on hand, the highest total amassed by any Democratic candidate in history at this point in the cycle.

Team Biden-Harris’ Q4 haul was driven in large part by the strength of our grassroots support, which continued to grow in Q4.

The Biden campaign provided a breakdown of their recent quarterly fundraising to PoliticusUSA:

  • December was our strongest grassroots fundraising month since launch—breaking the record previously set just one month before in November. 
  • Since launch, nearly 1 million supporters have made more than 2.3 million contributions, a clear signal that donors are taking consistent action early in our fundraising program.
  • Additionally, we now have more than 130,000 sustaining donors who have committed to donating every month—nearly double the amount at this point in the 2020 cycle.
  • 97% of all our donations in Q4 were under $200 and the average grassroots contribution was $41.88.

Biden isn’t hitting up corporations and billionaires for cash to sustain his campaign. His donations are coming from small donors, and people who donate to a campaign are some of the voters who are most likely to vote in November. On one level, it is common sense. Donating to a campaign is a personal financial commitment. The people who make that commitment are almost certain to cast their ballots.

In political terms, the fundraising and cash-on-hand numbers reveal that Biden has a passionate and committed base that is willing to fund his campaign and is not going anywhere. This is an idea that runs counter to the polling and media narratives.

Biden Sets Democratic Fundraising Record And None Of It Will Go To Legal Bills (