What’s Wrong With Nikki Haley on Trans Issues?

As the various GOP campaigns wrapped up their efforts ahead of the Iowa caucuses, they were all barnstorming through as many events as possible. Due to bad weather, Nikki Haley was forced to cancel one of hers and replace it with a phone-in event where she took questions from voters. That’s when a person identifying himself as John hit her with a question that she didn’t seem prepared for. He simply asked her, “Can a man become a woman?” Haley stumbled through some unrelated campaign information before appearing to get down to the question. She talked about restrictions on procedures being performed on children and seemed to have a good grip on that subject. But by the time she finished, it became painfully obvious that she either didn’t have an answer to the original question or she was unwilling to give one. Here’s the transcript of the relevant portion of her answer provided by Megyn Kelly.

Now, can a man become a woman. There’s been a lot that’s been talked about when it comes to all of these roles and all of these issues. I strongly believe that we should not allow any gender change surgeries to anyone before the age of 18. Period. We– kids now can’t get a tattoo until they’re 18. We shouldn’t have them permanently change their body until they’re 18. And that includes puberty blockers, that includes any sort of hormones that would do that.

After the age of 18, we want to make sure people can live any way they want to live. I don’t think government needs to be in control of anybody’s life. You go live the way you want to live, you should be free to live the way you want to live, and every– government and everybody else should stay out of your way.

But prior to 18, it is an important time, especially when you’re going through your teenage years that can be confusing. I don’t think we should ever in any way have any sort of permanent changes. But after 18, I’m not going to say anything. I think that, you know, you always have to believe in freedom and allowing people to live the life the way they want to live, and if that’s how they choose then, you know, I don’t think government should have any say in that.

Approved ~ FS
