How do you feel of news networks calling the Iowa Republican caucus 31 minutes after voting began?

This has been occurring more frequently, with news networks vying to be the ‘First’ to announce.

Ron DeSantis accuses media of interfering in Iowa Caucuses for declaring Trump victory early

The Associated Press and other major news outlets such as CNN, Fox News and MSNBC called the race for Trump barely 30 minutes after the caucuses began at 7 p.m. Only a handful of precincts had race results reported by that point.

Iowa GOP Leader Decries ‘Concerning’ Actions During Caucus Voting

“Media outlets calling the results of the 2024 first-in-the-nation caucus less than half an hour after precinct caucuses had been called to order—before the overwhelming majority of Iowans had even cast their ballot—was highly disappointing and concerning,”


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