Biden accomplishes lowest presidential approval rating in 15 years. Come read the details of this impressive feat.

These are not the types of numbers you want to see in an election year.

According to an ABC poll, Biden now has the worst approval rating a chief executive has posted since Dubya 15 years ago.

Worse than Trump ever reached, worse than Obama.

Among all adults, Biden’s approval rating is just 33% in this poll, worse than Trump’s low as president (36%) and the lowest since George W. Bush from 2006-2008. Fifty-eight percent disapprove of Biden’s work.

Among groups, just 31% of women now approve of Biden’s work in office, a new low (as do 34% of men). He won 57% of women in 2020.

Biden is losing his most important demographic to try and win. Women are not happy with Biden, and who can be shocked with the sounding of war drums, crime in the streets, and an ever-increasing drug crisis pouring across the US-Mexico border?

He’s at 28% approval among independents, a customary swing voter group; a low of 32% among moderates; and a low of 41% among college graduates, 10 points off his career average in that group.

Man, if the elections are fair, a BIG if, then it’s hard to see a path for Biden to keep his job this November.


Approved ~ MJM