Family of woman killed by illegal immigrant files $100 million lawsuit against Biden administration

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The family of a 20-year-old woman slain in 2022 will file a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit arguing the Biden administration caught and released an undocumented immigrant who then brutally raped and strangled her with a phone charging cord.

Authorities would later figure out the suspect had MS-13 ties at the time he snuck into the U.S., but he was still caught and released under new relaxed policies the Biden administration implemented to deal with immigrant children without documentation.

“We bring this landmark lawsuit in honor of Kayla to get answers on how this catastrophic failure occurred and help prevent another senseless murder,” said Brian Claypool, the lawyer for Tammy NoblesKayla Hamilton‘s mother.

Ms. Nobles is slated to testify Thursday to the House Homeland Security as part of impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

In social media posts, Mr. Claypool said the lawsuit will name both Homeland Security, which initially apprehended the juvenile, and Health and Human Services, which released him into the community.

The migrant came from El Salvador as a 16-year-old in March 2022, part of the unprecedented migrant surge — and particularly children — who illegally crossed the border under President Biden.

According to details of the case made public by Congress last year, the boy was apprehended and deemed an Unaccompanied Child or UC. That’s a designation the government gives to children caught crossing without a parent.

The boy told authorities his family paid $4,000 to a guide who smuggled him over the border, and he claimed to be fleeing gang violence.

In reality, he was affiliated with MS-13 in El Salvador. Police discovered that with one call to authorities in El Salvador, which lawmakers said begged the question of why Homeland Security and HHS didn’t do that before releasing him.

Mr. Claypool also said the juvenile had an MS-13 tattoo, which agents should have spotted at the border.

“The killer had been arrested in El Salvador in 2020 for being associated with an illicit gang. All DHS had to do was make one phone call to verify this and Kayla would be alive,” the lawyer said.