Senator Roger Marshall: Joe Biden is the Real Threat to Democracy

President Joe Biden‘s failed leadership has resulted in skyrocketing inflation, crippling interest rates, a humanitarian and national security crisis at our border, lawlessness in our streets, and endless wars through weakness. With just 10 months left in his presidency and no accomplishments to run on, President Biden is desperately trying to flip the script and hide from his record of failures. But the jig is up; Americans are fed up, feeling less safe in their communities, watching the value of their hard-earned wages plummet as the costs of groceries rise.


Without the luxury of campaigning from his basement, even the mainstream media is struggling to prop Joe Biden up from his dismal approval ratings. With nowhere to turn, Biden has built a re-election campaign based on gaslighting and projection. Taking no accountability for his failed policies, Biden instead projects his failures onto his opponent—Donald Trump. The desperation of the Biden team couldn’t be more glaring as we hear he and his media hacks on the news accuse President Trump of being a “threat to democracy”—a hollow attack that is rich with hypocrisy when you take a closer look at President Biden’s record.

Meanwhile, President Biden’s record of putting America last has made our country less safe and less prosperous.

On day one, President Biden reversed President Trump’s successful border policies and upended our national security for an invasion of terrorists, Chinese nationals, and millions of illegal “gotaways” at our wide-open border who are now living right here in our heartland. I’d argue that erasing our borders for all practical purposes, allowing criminals into our country, and paying for their health care, housing, cell phones, and transportation to the tune of nearly $500 billion a year of taxpayer dollars is a threat to our democracy.


Moreover, President Biden’s refusal to enforce immigration law is an illegal nullification of the laws passed by elected officials. It’s a daily attack on American sovereignty and our rule of law when Biden releases thousands of illegal migrants into our streets.

But Biden’s elimination of Trump’s safe and secure border isn’t the only crisis Biden is deflecting on. This month, our national debt reached a historic high of $34 trillion. When asked about the White House’s concern for the national debt crisis, they doubled down, blaming none other than President Trump again. Unfortunately for the Biden Administration, the facts are not on his side. It is President Biden’s reckless inflationary spending that has added $10 billion per day to the national debt without a single reduction. A country unable to pay its debts, forced to borrow from adversarial nations like China, is a threat to our democracy.