Watch as American-made Bradley vehicle obliterates ‘most advanced’ Russian tank touted by Putin in Ukraine

Take that!

Heart-pounding new drone footage shows the moment Ukrainian forces at the wheel of a US-built Bradley fighting vehicle blast a high-tech Russian tank to smithereens.

Video released by Kyiv’s 47th Mechanized Brigade shows the US-supplied vehicle hammering a Russian T-90 armored tank at close range in the town of Stepove in Donetsk — with the salvo disabling the target, according to a report from the UK’s Telegraph newspaper on Thursday.

After the Bradley’s guns disabled the tank, an armed drone moved in for the kill, the report said.

The crew of the heavy-duty Russian tank survived the initial barrage, but two were killed after fleeing the wreckage and a third was captured, the outlet reported.

“That T-90M took 20-plus 20 mm rounds to its frontal armor, and an [first-person view drone] and the entire crew survived,” Rob Lee, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, told the Telegraph.

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