Judge Orders Release of Last Defendant in ‘Newburgh Four’ Case, Blasts FBI Role in Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots

U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon has ordered the release of James Cromitie, a man previously convicted in a post-9/11 terrorism sting, harshly criticizing the FBI’s reliance on a controversial informant in what she described as an “FBI-orchestrated conspiracy,” the AP reported.

The ruling centers on a plot to attack New York synagogues and shoot down National Guard planes, a plan the judge deemed as largely manufactured by the FBI itself.

Cromitie, 58, was granted compassionate release on Friday, completing 15 years of a 25-year sentence. His release follows that of his three co-defendants, collectively known as the Newburgh Four, who were similarly freed six months prior.

The group, hailing from Newburgh, a small city 60 miles north of New York City, was convicted of terrorism charges in 2010. However, the case has since been mired in controversy, with accusations of entrapment and overreach by federal agents.

In her scathing ruling, Judge McMahon stated that the FBI had not only created the conspiracy but also selected the targets. She expressed that without the FBI’s orchestration, Cromitie and his co-defendants were incapable of conceiving such a sophisticated plot, much less carrying it out.

Furthermore, McMahon criticized the government’s choice of informant, Shaheed Hussain, who she called a “villain” looking to exploit “the poorest and weakest of men” into committing a contrived crime for cash.

Hussain’s credibility had been previously questioned due to his involvement in other contentious stings.

He gained renewed attention in 2018 when a limousine owned by his company was involved in a crash in Schoharie, New York, resulting in 20 fatalities. His son, Nauman Hussain, was convicted of manslaughter in connection to the crash.

Cromitie’s attorney, Kerry Lawrence, expressed relief at the ruling, reiterating his belief in Cromitie’s entrapment by the government. With the family elated at the news, Lawrence stressed that the conviction was entirely a product of governmental manipulation.

This is the same corrupt agency who plotted a sham Whitmer kidnapping plot. The entire plot was hatched, planned, paid for, and executed by paid FBI informants. The FBI informants pushed the violent plans to kidnap Whitmer. It was all a setup.


Article URL : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/judge-orders-release-last-defendant-newburgh-four-case/