The Hits Just Keep Coming: Kevin Morris Got ‘Access’ to Biden White House After Big Payments to Hunter

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) issued a statement describing the transcribed interview with Hollywood lawyer and Democrat donor Kevin Morris. The full statement can be viewed here. The smoking gun? Morris, shortly after being introduced to Hunter Biden in 2019, began shoveling cash towards Hunter, initially with no agreement as to any quid pro quo — although Morris did gain access to the Biden White House.

Morris, it’s significant to note, is financing a feature-length puff piece on Hunter Biden, presumably in an attempt to refurbish the First Son’s badly tarnished reputation. That is in addition to paying Hunter’s taxes and buying his “paintings.”

The Biden administration has stonewalled any investigation into Hunter’s peccadillos at every turn, but the evidence just keeps piling up, including evidence that Joe — at least, to the extent to which he is aware of what’s going on — is involved and has met with Hunter’s financier.

This prompts a few questions:

  1. Who in the Biden White House did Morris speak with during this wedding and July 4th picnic?
  2. What was discussed?
  3. To which Democrats did Morris donate money?
  4. Does the President have any idea what’s going on with all this?

Approved ~ FS


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