Under the radar: Data show big shift in voters’ favorable perception of Trump

R/I ~ AA


In a head-to-head comparison, Trump is gradually surpassing Biden’s favorability ratings, a trend rarely observed before.  Real Clear Politics reports the current spread:

Joe Biden Favorable 38.9 Unfavorable 55.6 (-16.7) and Donald Trump Favorable 39.9 Unfavorable 55.3 (-15.4).

Simultaneously, the generic congressional vote is trending toward Republicans (+1.5%), and Trump leads Biden by 1.6 points in current head-to-head polling.  This shift is remarkable, considering that Trump lost the popular vote by 4.5 points in 2020.

With Trump’s seeming inevitability as the Republican candidate and anticipated support from various quarters, negativity surrounding his potential return may further dissipate.  The acceptance factor of his return to office is poised to become entrenched, shaping the dynamics of the upcoming presidential race.


Article URL : https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/01/under_the_radar_data_show_big_shift_in_voters_favorable_perception_of_trump.html